WED WEB CHAT luxury 070721

Is Luxe In A State Of Flux?

IN most cases there will be a cheaper option available for a luxury product. But that hasn’t stopped the luxury sector from enjoying year-on-year growth. The tradition behind luxury brands...
KEF Elements

KEF Elements Takes On Time And Space

AFTER building up a strong retail presence for a growing roster of watches, Red Army Watches (RAW) reckons it’s time to launch its own brand. KEF Elements ambitiously creates 12...
adrian tan, contract

How Binding Is That Contract?

IT has been a busy season for sport. Trying to get around COVID-19, playing matches in empty to sparsely filled venues, and sporting personalities in the thick of all sorts...
WED WEB CHAT esports

Esports — Playing To Win

ESPORTS events may have been halted by the pandemic, but the number of new people taking to gaming consoles has been on the rise. The US$1.5 bn (projected 2023) esports...

A Future In Esports?

IT may seem like time wasted by the young as they play games well into the night, but that’s just a biased generational view of esports. When you have the...
wwc covid biz

Finding The Rainbow In The Storm

WHY would you open a business during a pandemic? While most people hope to wait out the storm, others seek out the rainbows. Not content to sit back and...
sara tang thierry chow

Enjoy The Act

COMING to terms with your sexuality should be a very liberating, exciting and positive experience. It is comforting to know that I have been instilled with a thorough and wholesome...
wwc 020621 covid biz

Why Start A Business During A Pandemic?

THE general reaction to uncertainty hanging heavy in the air would be to ring-fence one's resources and wait for the coast to clear. That would be the knee-jerk reaction by...

Examining The PSLE

ARE these the worst of times for children? It's certainly not the best of times, with the pandemic hampering their activities and forcing them to stay home. And for those...
wwc 190521

Primary Rights Of Passage

ONE of the biggest sighs of relief I’ve heard came from a young colleague whose daughter had just completed her Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). This is one of the...