Top 5 Health Jobs Of The Future

HEALTH will undoubtedly become a primary concern for most of us in the future. Many will want to live longer healthier lives, and with the progress of science and...
Keep It Going: the Nth revolutioN

When Should Universal Income Be Introduced?

At the recent the Nth revolutioN discussion on The Shape Of The Future? panellists Jack Sim of the World Toilet Organization, Peter Godfrey of the Energy Institute and Stuart Tan of Zero1 shared their views on a range of topics.
Arthur Chua and Dr Sanjay Kuttan

The Forgetting Curve And Lost Knowledge

AS THE younger generation gets onto the learning curve, it should also remember the forgetting curve. Dr Sanjay Kuttan calls into play his vast experience in a myriad of industries...
Keep It Going Joanne Flinn

Keep It Going — The Networking Session

WHAT are the fears that drive or deter us from taking vital steps in our journey? How do we build up networks that become relevant to our future goals?...

MacRitchie Moments — Jaclyn Yeo

I am overwhelmed by the lightning speeds of progress in the name of development and urbanisation. The once lazy roads and undeveloped green spaces along the “outskirts” have since...
Mike Hagbeck, JOBS20XX

JOBS20XX — Mike Hagbeck On Smart Workers

AN outstanding cast of panellists. Leaders in their fields. An amazing gathering of knowledge and information. JOBS20XX - Work In Progress promises to bring greater awareness and understanding of the...