Valentine's Day Fraud

7 Danger Signals About Your Digital Valentine

WHETHER you're lucky or desperate in love, you're likely to be messed up in the heart and head. A perfect opportunity for love scammers to go a hunting with...
Artificial Intelligence

Should We Reprogram Our AI Programs?

HUMANS have survived thus far by being alert and adaptable. Through the arrival of each increasingly sophisticated form of communication, through exposées of false beliefs, discovery of the universe, scientific and...
The Yard

The Yard Closes And Another Icon Is Gone

    CREATURES of habit and journalists who quenched their creative thirsts at The Yard English Pub will rue its passing when it closes the doors for the last time today. For...
Singapore housing

Too Early To Celebrate The Residential Market Recovery?

WHILE the property price index is on the rise, and en bloc sale frenzy continues to be  the hot topic, the figures don't make sense as underlying issues point...
Shah Rukh Khan

WEF and Equality — On The Same Stage?

  THE World Economic Forum states as its mission that it is “committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to...

Singapore’s Positive Train Of Thought

 BILATERAL ties between Singapore and Malaysia went up another notch with the signing of a legally binding bilateral agreement to build a cross-border MRT line. The train line, for commuters to...
Jurong Lake

Risks And Returns Of Nation Building

 AFTER Singapore’s first Cabinet was installed in Singapore in 1959, Minister of Finance Goh Keng Swee quickly sought to convert the swampy marshes of Jurong into industrial use. It was an...
Flood, Singapore

Wet Weather Woes

TWO INCIDENTS yesterday prompted me to sit back and think about today's society. The first was the torrential and prolonged downpour that all but drowned the island, causing flooding that was captured...
Thus It Was Unboxed hands

How Long Would You Queue For $20?

  SINGAPORE'S GDP per capital stood at close to US$53,000 in 2016, among the highest in the world. GDP in Singapore has been partly fuelled by the rising cost of living...
2018 predictons

Unwrapping 2018

  THIS IS the time of the year that predictions for the following year are made. Such predictions have a shelf life of one year and the more dramatic they are, they better...