Demster And The Wall Of Talent

graffiti artist Demster

URBAN street artists are seriously challenged when it comes to honing their skills in Singapore. 

The nation that bans chewing gum, fines you for littering, has cameras watching almost everywhere, and is sensitive about keeping up appearances, initially frowned upon graffiti, but acknowledged its artistic potential and its usefulness as an outlet for creativity.

So, you can only flex your urban art chops in designated spaces, while observing several guidelines.

But despair and defeat are not words in the urban street artist’s vocabulary. The importance of expressing oneself is important in any self-respecting artist’s development. 

Demster Walls Up

Adam Wang, who goes by the “Demster” moniker, has to find legal walls to work on, while sharing the space with a small urban art community in Singapore.

In this interview with STORM-ASIA.COM Demster talks about getting into graffiti and urban art and the challenges faced and opportunities available.

Article follows after the video interview

Graffiti Rules

Adam, who also runs his own design and art studio, DIVISION HQ, has helped build private walls for artists to showcase their talent. Besides finding work building walls at the Mexican border, he reckons it’s the best way for talent to practice their hand styles.

And while little can be done about Singapore’s rules and regulations, Adam’s work with the urban art collective, RSCLS, and his own abilities have provided him with opportunities to travel and experience more liberal environments for graffiti art.

Demster reckons there are around 100 urban artists in Singapore, fighting for limited space to showcase their talents.

The Aliwal Urban Arts Festival (AUAF) is an opportunity for this talent pool to gather and creatively apply paint on walls. 

The AUAF takes place on 25 January and will feature talks, performances, tours and wall spaces for those who want to have a go at flexing their artistic muscle.

More information at

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