MacRitchie Moments — Mohammad Juhari

I still remember seeing it everyday on my way to school, and also the many weekends I spent exploring the reserve in my youth. Even at 65, I still love going back for walks and to trek through the trails.

While I may have already enjoyed its many riches, we have to protect the reserve for future generations. As it stands, we only have a few of these green spaces left and we have to think about preserving them even as urbanisation continues. The space around Lentor is shrinking with various developments, and so are the forests in the Tengah area. Tengah, a forested area home to many plants and animals, is earmarked for a conservation and eco-friendly new town in 2018.

It is important to consider the impact to the natural state of the reserve if the proposed MRT line is built through MacRitchie. Even if it is routed underground, there will still be considerable damage to the flora and fauna of the area. The construction, with heavy vehicles and machinery, will also affect the surrounding areas.

The best bet might be to go around the nature reserve. Don’t go in the forest!

I hope that more people make their voices heard — it might encourage the authorities to act in the best interest of MacRitchie.

Mohammad Juhari is a Technician and nature enthusiast.

If you have memories of MacRitchie you’d like to share, do email

The Future Of MacRitchie concert will take place on November 19. Visit for more information about the venue, artists performing, and to register. There are also guided walks that can help you get intimate with MacRitchie.

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See also  MacRitchie Moments — Quek Leng Chuang
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