Can We Give As Good As We Take? — WED WEB CHAT

Click on the image to register for the session.THE SPIRIT of giving helps to sustain the less fortunate in society.

While fulfilling the basic needs of households in need, it also serves to provide us with a greater understanding of the challenges faced by those trapped or struggling to work their way out of a tight situation.

Singapore’s rapid pace of growth has probably contributed to the growing divide in society. It’s a tricky situation that is now facing the added curve ball hurled its way in the form of COVID-19.

How will this global pandemic affect those who are already struggling to make ends meet? And with businesses folding and jobs being lost, what will this number increase to?

While the government has stepped in with some immediate measures, how will the future situation be resolved as the full impact of COVID-19 is felt in the coming months.

Gathered for this week’s WED WEB CHAT discussion, Can You Give As Good As You Take? are Dr Tan Bee Wan, Chairman of Integrative Learning Corporation, T Ranganayaki, Dy Executive Director of Beyond Social Services and Colin Goh, CEO of The RICE Company.

Each of them has contributed towards sustaining the dreams and needs of the less fortunate in society.

Dr Tan Bee Wan

Dr Tan has played a significant role in organizing and enabling Singapore’s social services sector. Before starting up her own leadership and management practice, ILC, she was — and still is — deeply committed to doing good for the challenged in society.

She was instrumental in setting up Community Chest of Singapore, the fund-raising body for charities which raised over $131 million over 9 years.

She has also served as the CEO of Tsao Foundation, and helped to set up the Asia Philanthropy Centre, a platform for philanthropists. Since 2015 she has also served as Executive Chairman of ACE Seniors, a social enterprise funded by ILC to help with aging society issues. Ever willing to volunteer her time, energy and advice, Dr Tan has served on several committees for the betterment of society.

T Ranganayaki

Ranga’s formal education is in social sciences, mass communication and social work. She is trained in community development, restorative justice and stakeholder engagement.

Beyond Social Services enables public rental housing neighbourhoods to be ‘villages’ that raise their children well.

She is also on the Board of Compassion Fund Ltd, A Good Space Co-operative and The Constellation, an international organisation that grows community based responses to social issues the world over.

Ranga looks forward to engaging more people in peace building efforts to create a society that is kinder, fairer and inclusive.

Colin Goh

Colin is the CEO of The RICE Co. a not-for-profit organisation dedicated in harvesting the arts for the under-served children and youth in our community, a programme he started in 2005 that has benefitted over 19,000 children and youth.

Colin’s penchant for deconstructing and assembling new business models for sustainability made the RICE Co. into a group of companies, which includes end-to-end, highly diversified activities engaged in arts education and training, content making and producing, place and space making with a focus on emerging technology, aimed at ensuring future skills and employment for its beneficiaries.

Register for this webinar on 5 August from 12:45-1:30pm using this link:

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