The Door Is Open, But You’ll Need An Invitation

Open Door

THE importance of having community spirit was perhaps strongly felt during the various COVID-19 lockdowns that kept us away from meeting people.

The sudden deprivation of rights meant we had to rely on existing contacts and their willingness to hook up with us online. Not impossible, but not ideal, either. 

For those who were not part of a community and relied on the occasional encounter to generate business leads, the pandemic meant the tap was turned off for a flow of potential business.

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Being part of a community would have allowed for the deal flows to continue and the chance for ideas to have an audience.

While there are several communities out there, many are social, encouraging networking, but expecting you to do the heavy lifting after the handshake.

Open And Welcome

The Open Door concept, initiated by Millet World, is built around a diverse community that connects for potential business opportunities within a closed grouping. Deals are developed and realised through the network of small and medium enterprises curated to facilitate a coming together of needs and capabilities.

The key to Open Door’s viability is the mobile app developed by Dutch tech firm Bundeling, which also creates apps for several European sports teams and businesses.

Open Door app

Unfettered by physical limitations, the Open Door app will eventually connect curated communities in Southeast Asia.

Open Door’s app allows members to communicate with each other, view business opportunities and post offers in a secure environment.

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This app has been a while in the making. Colin Goh, Director at Millet Holdings had been developing the concept for a few years before COVID-19 kicked in. The pandemic brought across the importance of the app and hastened its completion.

“It’s precisely the current situation that accelerated the need for this project to materialise so that our entrepreneur friends and creatives could find ways to transition to a digital platform without sacrificing their hard-earned capital,” he explains.

In trying times, the opportunity to cast your net wider could be a business bonus and also serve as a safety net.

Entry to the Open Door community is by invitation only. Your organisation may submit your request to be considered HERE.

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