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wwc171121 travel

Prepare To Be Patient When Travelling

TRAVEL is supposed to free your mind. Let you explore the world. And we used to enjoy jetting off on a whim for a long weekend or an extended...

Hassles And Scrambles Of Flying

TRAVELLING right now is like stubbing your toe, it hurts like hell, but what can you do. It is a big decision to travel. You have to weigh the health...
travel clouds

Has The Travel Bug Bitten You?

WHILE there’s a buzz in the air about the possibility of travelling again, it’s far from the heyday of wanton wandering where boarding budget flights was like hopping on...
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Still A Great Way To Fly?

IT looks like a dream sequence in a low-budget superhero flick shot in slow motion.  Unmasked people — luggage in hand — floating between buildings and across water, turning somersaults,...

A Race To The Unexpexcted End

SINGAPORE will miss being a player in one of the more exciting Formula 1 series in recent years. For the second year running, the only night street race has...
Travel Bubble

Bubble Bubble Toil And Trouble

FLASHBACK: November 2020. Authorities in Hong Kong and Singapore announced a “travel bubble”. People could travel between Hong Kong and Singapore, without the need for quarantine, and without any restrictions. There...
wwc 070421 covid recovery

Are We On The COVID-19 Road To Recovery?

THE state of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is asynchronous. While some countries have kept numbers low to zero, others are seeing fresh waves of cases. The number of cases...
Tumi McLaren luggage

TUMI Bags A McLaren

IF YOU are dreaming of your vaccine passport and the chance to hit the road again, you're not alone. While those living in large land masses have the opportunity to...

A Memorable Passage To India

SO what if we can't travel in search of new adventures? Let us relive some of our treasured memories. Mental travel supplemented by snaps, videos and social media posts can...
NYC Xmas

All Kinds Of Spirits Of Kindness

HEY, COVID-19 or no COVID-19 you've got to celebrate the spirit of Christmas. I've 2 dozen various reasons to lift my spirits this time of year, but, later about that. For...