BMW 5 Series Unveiled

WITH close to eight million units sold up to the end of 2016, the 5 Series is a key mover for BMW. With the launch of the seventh generation over the weekend in Europe, the cloak-and-dagger show, which harked back to the pre-Internet era, can be dispensed with.

It’s much harder to build up anticipation these days, but the March Singapore launch of the mid-size sedan, which has grown in reputation and stature for the German brand is something that is being anticipated.

Besides, there’s nothing like looking at it in the metal.

Part of the teaser was the launch of the BMW short film featuring Clive Owen as the driver. The Escape showed the actual car being put through more than expected paces even if the storyline is a bit vague and Dakota Fanning as the clone Lily fairly pale.

If you happen to be in Munich, head to the BMW Weldt where The Escape car and props are on display till February 25.

See also  BMW 5 Hits A High