Dick Lee On The Confusing 1970s

IN THE creative era of the 1970s, Singapore was going through a period of growing pains.

Trending Western form creativity was often curbed by the authorities, keen on establishing law and order with rules that were designed to break alternative thinking rather than encourage “deviant” talent. The emphasis was on economic growth and conforming to the needs of the state.

1970s — Climate Of Uncertainty

In this climate of mixed emotions, Dick Lee’s rebellious streak resulted in the inadvertent creation of a local icon who has withstood the test of time, a phenomenon that probably even he was surprised by.

In a career that continues to evolve, the dapper Lee helped forge an identity for Singapore with his song Home. His life is a symbol of optimism and hope for any generation of youth searching for identity, sense of purpose and direction in increasingly noisy times.

In Wonder Boy, Lee, who makes his directorial debut in film, conveys much of the energy and passion of those formative and confusing years. He chats together with the female cast members — Constance Song, Michelle Wong and Foo Fang Rong.

Wonder Boy is showing in cinemas now.

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