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simone Ku vet

Pain, A Pet Peeve Of Vet Student Simone Ku

IF the presence of pet shops in malls and people walking their dogs serve as indicators, pet ownership in Singapore seems to be at a healthy level. In the mainstream...
scam precautions

Simple Rules To Avoid Being Scammed

SINGAPORE, while leading globally in many prosperity-related aspects, also sits at the top of a less glamorous category. Scam victims in Singapore lost $651.8 million in 2023, with a total...

Offside For Technology

WHEN the sky watchers wondered about aliens invading Earth and taking over humanity, the views were either dystopian — annihilation for whatever reason — or utopian — they would...
1000 Petals by Olivia Fraser

Painting 1000 Petals Requires Blooming Patience

ARTISTS drawn to foreign cultures view things with a different eye.  The mixing of cultural influences often results in perspectives that are atypical and can be consequently quite refreshing and...
X2 concept

Do You Want To Drive In The Electric Or The ICE Age?

IN a normal world, the crossover would serve as a handy bridge between a sedan and an SUV. From size to capability to utility and flexibility, it eases you gently...
Hassan Sunny

Defeat Turns Into A Sunny Victory

FAME and infamy can strike suddenly. Are you prepared either way when the spotlight is on you? Hassan Sunny was as prepared for public scrutiny as he was for Singapore’s recent...

Crypto Swims For Mainstream Waters

BITCOIN is hovering around all-time highs (ATH), but has yet to stir significant interest from the crowd. Having surpassed its 2021 all-time-high price of just over US$69,000 in March of...
choosing your VPN

10 Tips For Selecting A VPN Service

IT’S back to the tried-tested-and-proven maxim when it comes to today’s technology. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. And if it’s too good to be true, then there’s...
weaponising words

Watch Your Words: The Dangers Of Weaponised Language

FROM time immemorial language has both been a supreme blessing but also a damn curse in terms of what can result when words — even so-called simple words —...
Mt Fuji

Hakone Offers More Than Just A Getaway From The Bright Lights Of Tokyo

HAVING grown up in the city, the idea of a holiday in another city holds little appeal for me. Give me a spell away from the familiar, to bask in...

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