What Jobs Are Available For Fresh Graduates?


TRYING to find a job in a pandemic is like groping for the light switch in the dark.

You think you know where it is, but it’s still a bit of a hit and miss.

For fresh graduates, finding the right job must be like hunting for that switch. The job scene today must pose some serious challenges. It’s a landscape that has changed drastically due to a slowing economy and technology changes further knocked out of rhythm by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Job losses, shutdowns and new industries threaten to dislodge incumbents and new entrants to the scene.

It’s an employer’s market, with many options, but it’s also testing times for businesses.

For the fresh graduates who are trying to get a toe in somewhere, what are their options?

The WED WEB CHAT — What’s My Job? brings together undergrads Maya Viswa and Maxine Avasadanond with fresh grad Joel Kam and recruiter Nitin Bhagwan.

As a fresh grad, should you seek the services of a recruiter?

Should you wait for the right job?

Should you stick with a big company?

All these issues and more are discussed.

To watch the full WED WEB CHAT click on this link: https://zurl.co/fG1v

This WED WEB CHAT is part of the JOBS20XX – Work In Progress series, sponsored by OUE and Zoho.

Watch more WED WEB CHAT discussions at https://storm-asia.com/category/wed-web-chat/

If you have a topic that is of interest, or have someone who would make a good panellist with a thought-provoking perspective on a subject, please email editor@storm-asia.com with your details and a short summary.

See also  Coping With COVID-19 — WED WEB CHAT