Brand Protection And The 30-30-30 Rule For Restaurants

WED WEB CHAT restaurants

WHAT’S the 30-30-30 rule in the food business?

How do you protect your brand?

Why would you start a restaurant business even as COVID-19 is wreaking havoc in the F&B industry?

The WED WEB CHAT — Food For Talk gathered together entrepreneurs involved in niche restaurants.

Dhershini Winodan started Indian restaurant Chat Masala before setting out to do home dining.

Arul Inthirarajah started Sushi Airways after his previous restaurant venture crashed and burned. With restrictions easing, his small Japanese restaurant is taking off again.

Stephen Francis is a musician who loves to cook, and he now wants to whip up halal Dim Sum at his soon-to-open Kampong Amin Dim Sum. 

Lawyer, Adrian Tan of TSMP Law, enjoys to eat, and dishes out advice for those brave enough to venture into the restaurant trade.

Watch highlights from the discussion below.

The WED WEB CHAT is a series of weekly chats on a variety of topics developed by STORM-ASIA.COM

To watch the full 45-minute discussion click this link:

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