Art Fazil Takes Nature Baths To Relax

WHEN it comes to the art of relaxing, Art Fazil looks to nature.

The singer/songwriter grew up in a nameless kampung in Upper Thomson and spent a lot of his time playing on the fields and taking short cuts through greenery to wherever he was bound. It’s a habit that has stayed with him as he continues to seek out greenery in a very built up Singapore.

Living in Woodlands, which is too far from anything by Singapore standards, Art now appreciates the fact that he is close to nature. He cycles through greenery and has taken to trail running with his pal, actor Lim Yu-Beng. 

Art communes with nature by forest bathing and keeping the stressors at arm’s length. And there’s always his catchy song, Rilek Brader, to fall back on for advice. 

This is an excerpt from the WED WEB CHAT — The Art Of Relaxing. Watch the full WED WEB CHAT at

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See also  Big Experience, Tiny Footprint


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