Core Skills To Focus On — WED WEB CHAT

wwc 071020

AS we make our slow way out of a challenging pandemic period how will we find a quick way to become relevant in the quickest possible time?

Even before COVID-19 hit the world hard, many sectors in society were badly affected by industry changes, job losses and the need for rapid re-education. COVID-19 has probably made the situation worse as more industries face challenging times ahead.

To get a sense of how the industry changes could affect business outcomes, and what needs to be done differently, or better, or smarter, this week’s WED WEB CHAT — Core Skills To Help You In Changing Times has experts in three areas who will share their thoughts and experiences.

Regardless of what industry you are in, you still have to be able to sell your products and services.

William Gilchrist, the founder of Konsyg has a global experience in this respect.

His 15 years of experience in global technology sales throughout North America, Europe, Middle-East and Asia-Pacific prepared him for the launch of his own company, Konsyg, which runs an end-to-end sales operation for enterprises and SMEs globally. 

William has worked in a variety of industries; from education to media, marketing to sales, in organisations around the world, like Google, TradeGecko and MyDoc.

Marcus Ho is the founder of Brew Interactive, one of Asia’s hot and happening digital marketing agencies.

Over the last 12 years, Marcus, alongside with his team has worked with numerous multinational brands such as Hitachi, Unilever, and Shell to grow their content marketing efforts effectively. Marcus is also the author of the national bestseller book, Social Payoff.

And when it comes to leadership, it’s walking the tightrope between old-world values and future-world strategies. How do you balance youth and enthusiasm with wisdom and experience? How will tomorrow’s business fare under yesterday’s leaders?

A decade ago, Dom Meli started People At Their Best, a New South Wales-based boutique management consulting business and thought leader in organisational culture, leadership, engagement and customer experience.

Over the past 15 years, Dom has established himself as a trusted adviser and innovative consultant helping leaders and organisations to drive high performance outcomes.

Hear these gentlemen’s views on the skills you should focus on as we journey out of the pandemic.

Register for this webinar on DATE from 12:45-1:30pm using this link:

JOBS20XX – Work In Progress is an ongoing series of discussions around careers and employment. 

You can watch previous WED WEB CHAT discussions on

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