Are We On The COVID-19 Road To Recovery?

wwc 070421 covid recovery

THE state of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is asynchronous.

While some countries have kept numbers low to zero, others are seeing fresh waves of cases. The number of cases and deaths are rising; though many reckon the real numbers may be larger.

A year ago, Singapore entered the Circuit Breaker, and COVID-19 has taught us to not take anything for granted. Many plans we had for 2020 have been knocked out of sight. And the world is still unevenly handling the pandemic.

While things are slowly easing up in Singapore, it’s still a case of lockdowns in many countries. The vaccines are being delivered, but mutations are throwing doubt on their effectiveness.

The latest strain, E484K — Eek mutation — seems to be resilient to the vaccines.

So, are we on the road to recovery?

This WED WEB CHAT gathers panellists economist Dr Thierry Apoteker, Chairman of TAC Economics in France, naturopath Dr Sundardas Annamalay, CEO of NTC Alliance Group of Companies, and travel specialists from A2A Safari, its Co-founder, Victor Dizon, and Singapore head, Monica Alsagoff, to discuss if we are On The Road To Recovery.

Issues cover the travel bubble, effectiveness of vaccines, the 3 loops — Pandemic, Confidence and Adjustment, and the shape of the world in the next few years.

Dr Apoteker notes that many of the problems that the world is facing were already in play before the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the planet. Watch the video Don’t Blame Everything On The Pandemic below.

To watch the full discussion click on the link at the foot of the article

Dr Sundardas, a naturopath in Singapore says his colleagues have mixed views about the ongoing vaccination programme being rolled out globally to curb the spread of COVID-19.

With mutations proving challenging, he also raises the issue of whether the death rates reported are a true indicator of the virus’ impact.

Watch the video Alternative Vax Views below.

Will vaccination save the planet?

Not if the mutations persist, and certainly not if people start thinking the injection will keep them safe.

Watch the discussion Don’t Let Your Guard Down below.

Victor, Co-Founder of A2A Safaris, says we run the risk of becoming a North Korea if economies remain closed in a bid to fight COVID-19. If it persists for 5-10 years, it will have an adverse effect on the economy.

Watch the video Important To Open Up below.

Watch the full discussion below.

Watch our previous wedwebchats:

If you have a topic that is of interest, or have someone who would make a good panellist with a thought-provoking perspective on a subject, please email with your details and a short summary.

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