What Tricky Mind Games Is Ning Up To?

THE  Mind Magic Mistress, Ning did her thing.

The magician turned mentalist, Ning, showed off her brain power with a couple of simple examples that would have flatlined any brain activity in mere mortals.

In the first test, MMM Ning got me to draw something simple and she sensed what it was. I tried to draw the Singapore skyline, complete with the vomiting Merlion and the spinning wheel of fortune, but had to settle for the extent of my drawing capabilities — an arrow of sorts.

Regardless, we mere STORMtroopers are still trying to figure out how she plucked the arrow out of my head. There are many theories, some include suspending time and alien visitations.

The next mental manifestation was to flip through a book filled with names of Singapore places, before settling on one. She didn’t see what my thumb had landed on, but it brought back less-than-fond memories of how things that were once free of admission charges were suddenly slapped with exorbitant entry prices. Check out the video to see what I’m talking about.

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