10 Questions To Check If You Are Anxious Or Depressed

THE Preventative Anxiety-Depression Screen-10 (PADS-10) is a screening tool consisting of 10 items. Its design is intended to assist in providing a brief look for symptoms relating to anxiety and depression.

To complete the test, answer each question as follows and tally your score at the end.

Answer the following questions as truthfully as possible. In the past fortnight (2 weeks), how often have you been bothered by:

1) Loss/little interest or pleasure in doing things?

Not at all +0
Several days +1
More than half the days +2
Nearly every day +3


2) Having trouble relaxing?

Not at all +0
Several days +1
More than half the days +2
Nearly every day +3


3) Inability to stop or control worrying?

Not at all +0
Several days +1
More than half the days +2
Nearly every day +3


4) Becoming easily annoyed or irritable?

Not at all +0
Several days +1
More than half the days +2
Nearly every day +3


5) Having poor appetite or overeating?

Not at all +0
Several days +1
More than half the days +2
Nearly every day +3


Watch the video: Coping With The Mental Effects Of COVID-19

6) Trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeping too much?

Not at all +0
Several days +1
More than half the days +2
Nearly every day +3


7) Feeling bad about yourself, that you are a failure, or that you have let people down?

Not at all +0
Several days +1
More than half the days +2
Nearly every day +3


8) Feeling on edge, nervous, or overwhelmed?

Not at all +0
Several days +1
More than half the days +2
Nearly every day +3


9) Feeling as if something bad is going to happen?

Not at all +0
Several days +1
More than half the days +2
Nearly every day +3


10) Thoughts of hurting yourself in some way or being better off dead?

Not at all +0
Several days +1
More than half the days +2
Nearly every day +3


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Total up your score and check it against the chart below.

PAD-10 Varian Monteiro

Preventative Anxiety-Depression Screen-10 (PADS-10) © 2020. Monteiro, V.

Disclaimer Information The PADS-10 has been adapted from the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) by Dr. Robert L Spitzer, and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) by Dr. Kurt Kroenke, as a means to briefly screen for exhibition of symptoms related to anxiety and depression. The GAD-7 and PHQ-9 are used as tools for screening and monitoring symptom severity, and are not substitutes for clinical diagnosis or assessments and as such, neither is the PADS-10. The results are indicative of a person without any co-existing medical and/or psychological conditions that might otherwise affect accurate scoring. Such co-existing conditions for example are: arrhythmia disorders; thyroid disease; natural bereavement; bipolar disorder; or substance use disorder.

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