Will The Donald Trump The Odds?

Trump Covid

2020 the year of dramas, continues its rollercoaster ride as the Donald Trump re-election campaign goes into overdrive.

Consider that bizarre debate followed by the sudden announcement that he and his wife are both tested positive for COVID-19. 

I’m not political, but it’s hard not to hear about The Donald’s activities with all that constant negative press covfefe.

I come from a suspicion that because of testing positive for COVID-19, the man with incomprehensible hair is likely to win the upcoming 2020 US elections. 

Again, could luck be on his side?

ALSO WATCH: Where’s The Post-Pandemic Customer 

Then, there is the 18 September prediction by @JohnCammo: “Trump’s October surprise will be the announcement of “his infection.” Fake, but quite dramatic. This twist will blow Biden off the screens, the ‘Trump COVID watch’ dominating every minute of every day. Then, 14 days later, Trump will emerge, 100% cured by hydroxychloroquine.”

Thing is, why not? It’s politics, isn’t it? 

The one who adapts best, wins.

Bully? It’s a dog-eat-dog world, dude. 

Wake up. You can choose between defeat or cunning cos nobody cares. 

Biden wouldn’t stoop so low perhaps, which is understandable. He may feel it’s unethical, and is adhering to principles of decorum and proper conduct.

But, it’s 2020. 

Wed Web Chat

From Charlie Chaplin to YouTuber QPark, as the Hokkien saying goes: “The heavens love the bumbling fool most.” 

So what if it is Trump’s doing spinning a COVID-19 infection to win? Maybe he’s applying his sly business smarts to work the cards in his favour? 

There are conspiracy theories raging about what kind of political stunt may be afoot.

Now that he’s got the world’s attention…again…the twister of truth, Fake News Donald  is going to come out blazing. 

I am politically neutral (I think). Remember how Trump said he would never call North Korea’s Kim Jong Un ”short and fat”?

Getting my popcorn ready to compare Boris Johnson’s ‘brush with death’ post COVID-19 ‘raring to go’ spirit to the POTUS’ potentially most theatrical performance of the century.

ALSO WATCH: The Post-Pandemic Dining Scene 

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