10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before GE2020

20 questions

ELECTIONS are divisive tools engineered to unite a nation.

As we get swept away by emotional rhetoric, impassioned, sometimes comical, speeches and memes mocking candidates, I wonder why there is so much ripping apart of opposing parties’ plans when the ultimate purpose is to find a common way forward.

Shouldn’t the objective of an election be to find the best possible citizens to organise a country’s onward march?

Shouldn’t the best people prevail, and not a narrow collection of like-minded people sheltered under a banner and its doctrines?

In these challenging times, the way ahead is perilous. We have a bunch of fair-weather politicians who have not seen the world in such a state. This is going to be a steep learning curve.

If it’s any consolation, the rest of the world is also trying to get to grips with it. But learn from them as they make mistakes and missteps.

Ask Questions Of Those Asking For Your Vote

Whether calling for an election in the midst of a pandemic is wise, is now moot. We should opt for the best people with the creativity to pull Singapore through these uncertain COVID-19 times. It would be good to see clear-minded plans charting the way forward rather than hoping to reach our destination, at the mercy of capricious winds.

It would be worth your while to consider the candidates carefully and avoid being swayed by mainstream media and social media, rife with all manner of contents about candidates and parties, along with POFMA notices. But if the experiences of 2011 and 2015 general elections are anything to go by, social media is but a noisy echo chamber, stirring up a dust storm in a small cup.

Maybe it’s best to ask yourself questions that you need answers for.

We start off with a selection of questions that help you when next you’re face-to-face with a candidate seeking your favour on 10 July.


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