Ideas To Excite Singapore

WED WEB CHATSINGAPORE is known as a foodie haven, and a place to do business. 

Both are exciting in their own way. 

The variety of cuisines and price points makes it affordable for a wide range of pockets.

Singapore’s safety, security practices and reputation for going by the book makes it exciting for businesses keen on reaching a regional market.

But are these enough to consider Singapore an exciting island?

The WED WEB CHAT — How To Make Singapore Exciting? raised a variety of issues and suggestions to help elevate the Republic’s excitement levels.

From having more local public art, involving public in planning, taking ownership of ageing opportunities, not having preconceptions and improving Gillman Barracks, the ideas flowed thick and fast from research assistant Emma Goh, business consultant and 32-year permanent resident Roberto Fabbri, PhD candidate and poet, Paul Tan, who was the former Dy CEO at the National Arts Council, and Jin Ooi, Managing Director, Distilleri Pte Ltd.

You can watch the full discussion at the foot of this article.

Tiny Red Dot Excitements

From enjoying messy moments to encouraging more public involvement in planning and being less expectant of government support, the panellists offered a variety of suggestions to make Singapore more exciting. Here are some highlights from the discussion.

Watch the full discussion of WED WEB CHAT — How To Make Singapore Exciting? below.

Watch our previous wedwebchats:

If you have a topic that is of interest, or have someone who would make a good panellist with a thought-provoking perspective on a subject, please email with your details and a short summary.

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