Challenges Facing Work In The Region — JOBS20XX

WHILE Southeast Asia may have countries in close proximity, their various land masses and industry focus has resulted in a varied landscape. 

While some areas overlap and benefit from technology, the rate of change will affect how quickly some of these changes can be adapted and adopted.


At the JOBS20XX – Work In Progress session, the panellists — Mahendran Reddy of NAMIC, Jessie Cheong of Connectere, Wladmir Silva of DHR International and Frank Aernout of Nalantis — talk about the factors that will drive change.

Watch the discussion organised by STORM-ASIA.COM.

This is the full, unedited panel discussion. You can see highlights of JOBS20XX – Work In Progress on the STORM-ASIA site, and do take the Survey — if you are between the ages of 18 and 30.

Look out for more videos and the next JOBS20XX session in Kuala Lumpur, in March 2020.

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