Teach Them Well For Tomorrow


PANELISTS at the Keep It Going: the Nth revolutioN session on The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Of The Future voiced their opinions about what lay ahead.

In this video, Dr Sanjay Kuttan and Assoc Prof Damien Joseph expressed their concerns about the education system and whether it was preparing today’s students adequately for the future.

Dr Sanjay Kuttan

Dr Sanjay, who was Programme Director at the Energy Research Institute at the Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N) at the time of the conference, has had a varied career. He has been in the oil industry, consulting, and the government sector. He has just joined the Singapore Maritime Institute as its Executive Director.

Dr Sanjay’s fear is that “people will be crippled by fear”.

He laments the “satisfaction with the status quo”, and says there must be a dissatisfaction with the status quo.

Educating More Than Studying

Another area of concern is whether our education system is preparing our children for the future. “Are they making them nimble or resilient for the changes to come?”

Assoc Prof Damien Jospeh, Nanyang Business School

Joseph, who is with the Nanyang Business School of NTU, has research interest in the management of information technology professionals, examining issues relating to IT work, compensation, competencies, career and culture.

He says that NTU is experimenting with a different approach: Not focusing so much on content as the process of learning.

“What we are teaching may not take them through even to graduation. It may become obsolete. We are experimenting with teaching students how to learn.

“It’s about learning to learn,” he explains.

Goldbell Group

Other articles on the Nth revolutioN:

Joseph Schooling, Bureaucracy And Physics

It’s Not Rocket Science…It’s Harder!

It’s Not Brain Surgery, But We’re Going To Need Some!

Look out for more reports on Keep It Going — the Nth revolutioN in the coming days.



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