Muah Chee – Whip It UP!

Muah chee
Muah Chee (Mochi Tossed In Fragrant Peanut Sesame Crumb). Photos: Mei Kam Se-Teo Chan, Evonne Lyn Lee.

By Mei Kam Se-Teo Chan

This traditional sweet Chinese snack gets an aromatic flavour lift from a savoury ingredient – fried shallot oil. The combo of gooey dough, toasted sesame seeds and the crunch of granulated sugar is simply addictive. Muah Chee was commonly eaten for  breakfast in Southern China.

Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $8.00
Difficulty: 1/5
Serves: 10-12 people


A: Sticky Rice Dough

600g glutinous rice powder
800ml water
2 teaspoons shallot oil


B: Peanut Sesame Seed Crumb

500g peanuts, ground or whole roasted without skin
250g sesame seeds*, toasted
200g granulated sugar, white



1In a large tray, combine B ingredients well. Set it aside. Sugar has been reduced by 20%. Alternatively, buy roasted peanuts and pulse with sesame seeds in a food processor.


Peanut mixture
Buy roasted peanuts and grind them together with sesame seeds


2. In a flat saucepan or medium mixing bowl, combine rice powder and water. Mix well to form a smooth batter.

sticky rice dough
Flour mixture should be thick and gooey


3. Using a pastry brush, brush base and sides of a round, 24 cm tray with shallot oil. Pour batter into tray. Cover top of tray with cling film before steaming – this prevents condensation formed inside the wok from dripping onto the dough.


Cling film batter
Cling film keeps top of dough moist while steaming.


4. Fill up a wok with water reaching up to steaming rack. Bring it to a rolling boil. Place tray on rack. Steam for 40 minutes or until dough is cooked – it’ll become thick and gooey.

5, Using a plastic knife, cut portions of cooked dough. Transfer dough to peanut mixture in a large plate or tray. Repeat until dough is cut up.


Sticky rice dough
Instead of a normal knife, use a plastic knife with serrated edges to cut up dough.


6. Cut into bite-sized morsels with a pair of scissors; alternatively, use a plastic knife. Roll them in peanut mixture until well coated.


asssembled muah chee
A tasty snack assembled in 5 minutes.


7,  Transfer to a serving plate. Sprinkle with more peanut mixture as desired. Serve immediately. It is best consumed within the day.


Muah Chee morsel
Muah Chee should have a chewy texture.


*NOTE: Sesame seeds can be white or black or a mixture of both.


sesame seeds
Black or white sesame seeds are suitable.


TIP: Shallot oil can be purchased from major supermarkets. Alternatively, purchase deep-fried shallots in oil sold in jars. Using a teaspoon, just scoop out 2 teaspoons of oil.

Shallot oil
Shallot oil is the star ingredient in muah chee. 


TECHNIQUE: Freshly cooked dough that is still warm has a soft gooey texture and this makes it easy for the peanut mixture to adhere to the sticky dough.


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