6 Things Only You Can Sustain

IN A case of missing the forest for the trees, we sometimes spend too much time chasing the bigger green ideals, often at the expense of more obvious areas we can already connect with.

Sustainability is often associated with the big picture discussions: climate change, deforestation, carbon footprints, pollution, the unwelcome byproducts of financial avarice, and a list that seems to be added to on a regular basis.

While it is necessary to address these issues in a world that hastens towards greater complexity by the day, they are often the byproduct of the human desire to seize opportunities. In that unbridled lunge for more, we tend to lose our sense of perspective.

There are many sustainable aspects of our lives that we tend to neglect en route to fame and fortune.

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Sustain Relationships
Preto Perola/Shutterstock


1  Sustain our relationships. Many a friend has fallen by the wayside as the quest for wealth takes precedence in our lives. The value of family is often lost on people the more immersed they are in chasing causes — like tree huggers who go home only to bark at family members, or those chasing ribbons and dots who often find they are unable to connect the dots nor tie the ribbons in their personal relationships.

2  Sustain a sense of humour. It will help you realise some things are just not worth the aggravation. It’s a great way to defuse a tense situation, and will help you handle more challenges in your stride.

3  Sustain your love of life. Not just yours, but that of your fellow denizens of the planet.

Keep An Open Mind

4  Sustain an open mind or you might miss out on some great ideas and opportunities. A shuttered window lets in no light.

5  Sustain your sense of curiosity, for there is too much to take in and learn in one lifetime, so this should remain an unquenchable thirst.

6  Sustain your sense of self. No matter what the system hurls at you, or society decrees, the rights of the individual should matter. If you can’t believe in yourself, it becomes too easy to believe in the system.


Main image Nitrikan/Shutterstock

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