Stop Thinking About Singapore

JACK SIM of the World Toilet Organization observes that the new ways of doing business are changing how business is transacted.

Jack notes that as long as policies are not restrictive there are several business opportunities to be had.

He also says that businesses should “Stop thinking about Singapore.”

There is a huge potential market of 4 billion people to reach out to, he explained at the recent Keep It Going: the Nth revolutioN discussion on The Shape Of The Future? The panel discussion series is organised by STORM magazine.

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Jack notes that SMEs can meet the needs of this arge base of people who should be the next emerging customer base. To facilitate this, Jack is building a world trade centre for the poor in Singapore, and he wants it to be replicated around the world.

By empowering this community to find more avenues to prosper, it will allow for a more even playing field.

STORM magazine organises regular discussions on topical issues under the Keep It Going (KIG) series.  Email if you would like to recommend topics or speakers, or would like to attend upcoming events.

Thank you to our partners: OUE, Goldbell Group, Vault@268, Perrier-Jouet, Suntec Convention Centre

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