When Should Universal Income Be Introduced?

At the recent the Nth revolutioN discussion on The Shape Of The Future? panellists Jack Sim of the World Toilet Organization, Peter Godfrey of the Energy Institute and Stuart Tan of Zero1 shared their views on a range of topics.

Keep It Going: the Nth revolutioN
L-R: Kannan Chandran, publisher of STORM, moderates the discussion with Peter Godfrey, Jack Sim and Stuart Tan at Keep It Going: the Nth revolutioN.

On the matter of universal income and equality, Peter emphasised the need for aspiration and a desire to be productive. Universal income could result in taxing someone more money and becoming a disincentive to work harder.

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Stuart is hoping to provide universal data, like in Europe, to equalise the cost differences for data across countries.

Keep It Going: the Nth revolutioN
Jack SIm (centre) added lots of colour to the discussion.

Jack said work should be enjoyable, and asked if Warren Buffett would appreciate receiving a basic salary. He did think if would be necessary in a world when everything is in abundance and the robots are working away and people are left to “writing poetry, playing music and having sex”.

Hear the panellists’ views on the topic in this video.

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Keep It Going: the Nth revolutioN

STORM magazine (http://www.storm.sg) organises a regular discussions on topical issues under the Keep It Going (KIG) series.  Email kig@storm.sg if you would like to recommend topics or speakers, or would like to attend upcoming events. Our partners: OUE, Goldbell Group, Vault@268, Perrier-Jouet, Suntec Convention Centre

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