The Digital Tomorrow — WED WEB CHAT


THE digital transformation of society is well underway. 

In a relatively short span of time, it has reshaped our world; the way we operate, the tools we use, our approach to business, life and defence.

The Singapore Armed Forces recently announced the establishment of its fourth pillar, the new Digital and Intelligence Service, which will sit alongside the existing Army, Navy and Air Force.

It will be responsible for addressing emerging threats.

Meanwhile, businesses that have adopted digitalisation are faced with the challenges of finding talent, while also keeping a lookout for cyber threats.

In this exciting and fast-paced terrain, how can businesses and individuals cope with the Digital Tomorrow?

Join the WED WEB CHAT — The Digital Tomorrow with Kenny tay, Rodney Yap, Alan Chong and Benjamin Chong on 6 July 2022, from 12:45-1:30pm (SGT). You can register for this session by clicking on THIS LINK.

This week’s WED WEB CHAT brings to the discussion four digitally entrenched professionals.

Kenny Tay, SGDCC
Kenny Tay, CEO, Singapore Digital Chamber of Commerce Foundation (SGDCC)

Kenny Tay, CEO, Singapore Digital Chamber of Commerce Foundation (SGDCC) handles strategic matters and operations of the chamber. He has had corporate experience with American Express as well as international entrepreneurial dealings with Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

In today’s fast-paced and connected world, Kenny encourages everyone to adopt digitalisation: “It means creating more opportunities and businesses should embrace rather than avoid it. The world is connected digitally and speed is critical to all!”

Rodney Yap
Rodney Yap, Co-Founder, Usertip

Rodney Yap, Co-Founder, Usertip, an all-in-one solution to improve user experience of products, is experienced in closing enterprise software sales. His legal training allows him to understand how businesses should navigate the digital terrain.

Having worked with many organisations, Rodney observes a recurring issue. “I see a lot of companies focus on the technology to be implemented and overlook the process and the mindsets involved. This restricts the effectiveness of their digital transformation efforts and results in a lot of untapped value.”

The importance of a road map is key to success, he adds.

Alan Chong
Alan Chong, Chairman (Digital Transformation), SGDCC

Alan Chong, Chairman (Digital Transformation) at SGDCC has been in website development and marketing for more than 10 years. He is a certified digital marketing trainer for a US shopping platform and has helped businesses create higher revenue models.

He appreciates the changes required to adopt digitalisation. “As Gartner defines it, digitalisation is ‘the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities’.”

He sees it as a way of “evaluating, reengineering and reimagining the way you do business”.

Benjamin Chong
Benjamin Chong, Managing Director, Next Level SG

Benjamin Chong, Managing Director, Next Level SG, has consulted for over 200 companies in digital marketing and driving revenue through e-commerce. Next Level SG is a Meta business partner and Shopee certified live-stream partner.

His advice is simple: “Digitalisation is not a plus. It is a must.”

Join the WED WEB CHAT — The Digital Tomorrow with Kenny tay, Rodney Yap, Alan Chong and Benjamin Chong on 6 July 2022, from 12:45-1:30pm (SGT). You can register for this session by clicking on THIS LINK.

This is part of the JOBS20XX – Work In Progress series, in partnership with OUE LTD.

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