Want A Job? Make Money For The Company!

IN A sweeping series of discussions that took the audience from education to automation and attitudes about work and study, and beyond, JOBS20XX – Work In Progress perhaps unlocked more questions around the issues raised.

JOBS20XX group

Organised by STORM-ASIA.COM, the discussion focused on the jobs and careers of the future, but in a wide array of industries spanning biosciences, education, social enterprises, family businesses and technology.

Among the topics covered were the disconnect between the expectations and reality of job newbies, 3D printed cars for the US market designed in China, changing employee contracts, the number of new lorry drivers needed by the new port, the relevance of the Pythagoras’ Theorem, unusual occupations, applying for jobs by text….


JOBS20XX was held at Ricoh Singapore’s new open plan offices.

Information about panellists and discussion topics can be seen at www.jobs20xx.com.

The various discussions will be available online soon.

The next JOBS20XX discussion takes place in Malaysia in March. If you have topics and issues to raise, please email them to jobs20xx@storm-asia.com.


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