Mine Your Wealth For 2021

wealth 2021 webinar

AS the year of the Metal Ox charges in, in 2021, we have many uncertainties to contend with. Many aspects of 2020 have yet to be resolved. We are still living with COVID-19 and coming to terms with operating in a new way.

How will 2021 shape up?

This STORM-ASIA webinar features experts in the field of investment and feng shui, who map out a few key areas to take note of.

DAR Wong, Chief Investment Officer with ALA Advisors and Helen Ong, founder of Sense.Live were generous with their information and findings based on charts and analyses.

Some things to watch out for: The US economy will influence our lives, given the arrival of a new President; there will be more disruptions; gold and silver will continue to prevail; clean energy solutions will continue to grow in strength; keep tabs on crypto assets as the ratios grow in favour of these new currencies.

Should you invest in pharmaceutical companies since the vaccine is all that governments seem to be able to talk about? 

When will the mini rallies take place in a year which will likely start on a gloomy note as the coronavirus mutates and remains a serious threat? Why will sectors like food and education fare well, and what should you invest in for the longer duration?

Lots of questions, let’s see how kind 2021 will be.

Highlights from the webinar below, followed by the full discussion.

Watch the full discussion below.


Watch our previous wedwebchats: https://storm-asia.com/category/wed-web-chat/

If you have a topic that is of interest, or have someone who would make a good panellist with a thought-provoking perspective on a subject, please email editor@storm-asia.com with your details and a short summary.

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