The Post-pandemic Dining Scene May Look Very Different — WED WEB CHAT

Peter Knipp, Benny Se Teo

IT WAS a stormy session filled with opinions and loads of invaluable advice from years of experience.

The WED WEB CHAT — The Future Of Dining, a weekly discussion organised by STORM-ASIA.COM, saw Peter Knipp and Benny Se Teo fire away on topics ranging from the reemerging dining scene, attitudes towards food and beverage, cloud kitchens, government policies, landlords, prison job fairs and much more.

Peter, who established the World Gourmet Summit in 1997 as a landmark global event together with the Singapore Tourism Board, and has his own F&B and hospitality consultancy, has counted at least 80 restaurants that have folded since the onset of COVID-19.

Benny built his food business into a chain of a dozen restaurants around Singapore, enlisting the help of fellow ex-offenders along the way. The pandemic showed him that location is important, but it also highlighted the value of having a good business strategy and cash reserves.

Watch the highlights of the discussion. The full discussion is in the link below this video.

Click here to watch the full discussion:

Watch our previous wedwebchats:

If you have a topic that is of interest, or have someone who would make a good panellist with a thought-provoking perspective on a subject, please email with your details and a short summary.

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