Have We Walked Into A Perfect Storm?

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A perfect storm. Generational challenges. We are losing plasticity.

These are some of the comments raised during this WED WEB CHAT — Office: The Return! Are You Ready?

If you think about it, 18 months is a long enough period of time to form new habits.

Since COVID-19 countermeasures were implemented globally, the general state of mind has shifted. Trapped in their homes and restricted from their usual activities, people’s brains have tried to battle these impositions, while many have learnt to accept them for the greater good.

The issues of working from home benefitted some but adversely affected others. The need to be vaccinated raised lots of issues about safety and effectiveness, especially against a virus that seems to mock humans by mutating almost at will.

Despite the pandemic measures, businesses continued to operate and as the world realises it has to live with the virus even as it tries to battle it, things are starting to open up.

In Singapore, as the authorities try to determine the best way forward, the rules are being conditionally relaxed. It’s back to work for 50% of the work force and dining out is subject to full vaccination.

This WED WEB CHAT — Office: The Return! Are You Ready? raised some talking points and helpful suggestions regarding the issue of returning to an office environment.

From the newbie who is transitioning from the virtual to the real world, retaining talent, looking for new jobs and how the generations are reacting to these changing times, it’s all open for discussion.

Hear what the panellists Davis Foong, Vice President, Human Resources, Kemin Industries (Asia), Richard Hoon, Founder & CEO, I Search Worldwide, and Jeanie Chu, Senior Clinical Psychologist at Resilienz Clinic, have to say.

The full discussion is available at the bottom of the article.

The Perfect Storm

Richard talks about the storm front that’s already here.

The impact of COVID-19 on society has been dramatic, but its influence on businesses has also been catastrophic.

But through these challenging times, new jobs are being formed, people are changing jobs, but how long can this continue for?

As the future advances rapidly, the job market is going to change drastically.

Virtual Newbies

How do new hires during a lockdown face colleagues for the first time in person?

If it’s a first job, it’s going to be quite stressful trying to bridge the digital—real world divide.

Clinical psychologist Jeanie Chu reckons the best way is to treat them like a newbie. And she has other useful pieces of advice.

Building Trust

People can use times of difficulty to grow stronger together. Davis says it’s important for employees and management to forge stronger ties and improve communication to weather this and future challenging times.

The importance of policies is also raised. How will we treat unvaccinated employees? If they need regular testing, who will foot the bill?

Generations In Flux

How are the different generations coping with the changes taking place? Davis says the Millennials seem to be coping well, but for various reasons, the other generations are finding it more difficult to manage.

Watch the full discussion of WED WEB CHAT — Office: The Return. Are You Ready? below.

Watch our previous wedwebchats: https://storm-asia.com/category/wed-web-chat/

If you have a topic that is of interest, or have someone who would make a good panellist with a thought-provoking perspective on a subject, please email editor@storm-asia.com with your details and a short summary.

See also  3 New Habits Resulting From COVID-19


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