Is A Will Enough To Protect Your Wealth?

WED WEB CHAT - estate planning

EVENTUALLY those you leave behind will inherit your worldly treasures and treasured memories of you.

But, are your matters in order? Have you structured your assets and finances such that those inheriting it get what they deserve? 

This WED WEB CHAT — Plan Your Estate, presents a discussion on understanding taxation, writing your will,  inheritance issues, and methods of managing your estate.

Panellists include Lee Chiwi, CEO of PreceptsGroup, Ku Swee Yong, CEO of International Property Advisor and Ethan Lim, Senior Relationship Manager, HP Wealth Management. 

Some of the highlights are featured in these short videos. But the full discussion covers a wider range of topics.

The video with the full discussion on Plan Your Estate Well is at the end of the article.

Estate Planning For The Masses

Large sums of money are being left to future generations in the CPF accounts of the mass affluent. This group could benefit from estate planning to better manage their wealth transfer.

What’s the best way to use your CPF nomination? DBS has a new plan that could help those aged 65 and above.

Watch the discussion in the video below.

Inheritance Pitfalls

Trusts have been around for a long time, and most have a span of 100 years. In some countries they can exist in perpetuity.

It’s important to monitor rule changes when planning your estate. Changes in property laws and home ownership tax requirements could hinder rather than assist a beneficiary.

Entrusting CPF Money To A Trust

Nominating your CPF into a trust is one way to manage and protect your funds. PreceptsGroup is launching a new digital trust solution to allow people to have their CPF funds nominated to a trust.

Keeping Faith In Trusts

With a trust, family wealth can be made available to many generations. 

The trust structure is useful to ring-fence assets. It can keep intact the shares of the family business.

The trust could hold the family business together instead of fragmenting the company’s shares by giving them away and diluting interest in the business. 

Time To Review Your Will?

COVID-19 has changed the landscape.

Unexpected early deaths and uncertainty about how some countries will bounce back have forced those affected by these situations to change how their wills and letters of wishes are being structured.

Watch the full discussion of WED WEB CHAT — Plan Your Estate Well below.

Watch our previous wedwebchats:

If you have a topic that is of interest, or have someone who would make a good panellist with a thought-provoking perspective on a subject, please email with your details and a short summary.

See also  Kaspersky Makes Big Move To Rebuild Trust


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