Would AI Give You A Fair Appraisal?

PROF Siau Keng Leng,

Head of the Department of Information Systems and Chair Professor of Information Systems at the City University of Hong Kong, wrote a paper about AI and future education about six years ago.

While the original premise was that AI would be in the hard skills side, allowing humans to supplement that on the soft skills side, recent developments have reshaped his thinking.

Just how versatile is AI proving to be?

ChatGPT has shown that it’s good at storytelling, which was once considered the domain of humans.

What skillsets should people be equipped with so that their jobs are not replaced by AI?

AI/human collaboration looks like a scenario that we will have to live with.

How do you work with AI? 

How will a team’s performance be evaluated if it also includes AI?

Will AI assess you?

How would you assess AI?

There are trust issues with AI since it is operating out of a sandbox. It is unable to explain why it has come to a solution.

But Prof Siau says the next step – Explainable AI (X.AI) will help to overcome this solution.

Prof Siau was a panellist in the recent WED WEB CHAT organised by www.storm-asia.com.

Watch the full discussion of WED WEB CHAT — How Will Technology Educate You For The Future Of Work? below.

Watch our previous wedwebchats: https://storm-asia.com/category/wed-web-chat/

If you have a topic that is of interest, or have someone who would make a good panellist with a thought-provoking perspective on a subject, please email editor@storm-asia.com with your details and a short summary.

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