2023 — A Snapshot Of Views


AS we step into the new year, there are mixed feelings about what lies ahead, ranging from trepidation to cautious optimism.

There are industries that have benefited from the changes wrought by the pandemic, but too many have felt the pain of enforced paralysis and fear there could be more restrictions around the corner. And it’s not just COVID-19 that’s wreaking havoc. Geo-political tensions are also forcing countries to take sides.

The discussions with entrepreneurs in various sectors of society leading up to the new year were underscored by relief that the pandemic is behind us (sort of). But it is still with us. Not just the variants, but the after-effects of the measures that were put in place to battle COVID-19.

The larger challenges are potentially being felt now, a delayed reaction to the the lock downs and various restrictions that were put in place. From working from home to logistics challenges, rising GST and the possibility of a recession, the prioritising and juggling will determine how businesses emerge in the months and years ahead.

And bear in mind, the future is a moving target, so make sure you have enough in the tank to make the ride.

In the interviews for the lead up to 2023, STORM-ASIA spoke to several industry players, who shared their honest views of how they saw this year shaping up. We put together their views here for easy access.

Do add your thoughts and comments. We’d like to hear what’s on your mind regarding 2023.

2023 strategyIn addition to these comments, the last WED WEB CHAT kept to the theme of 2023. In WED WEB CHAT — 2023: What’s Your Strategy?, the panellists discuss issues that will face them and their respective industries. From a start up to F&B, property to politics, the touchpoints are varied, and thought-provoking.

The first WED WEB CHAT of 2023 looks at virtual payments. $HOW ME THE MONE¥ talks about the pros and cons of the new methods of payment with John Hakim, Chairman and Managing Director of FinTech payments start up, Moolahgo, and Kailash Madan, Head of APAC of unified payment platform, Primer.

Register for the session via this link: https://zurl.co/npvb

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