Boomers Learn To Cope With Change — Wed Web Chat

wwc 190122 boomers

THE 50th WED WEB CHAT discussion focuses on the Boomer generation and its role in society.

This generation — born between 1947 and 1964—  has lived in relative peace as significant growth and changes shaped and continues to reshape their lives and society.

At the end of 2021, there were around 1 million Baby Boomers in Singapore. With longer average life expectancy — around 84 years — this group makes up around 16% of the population.

It is a significant group that has the power to influence through their purchasing behaviour and by exercising their vote. But the changes that are taking place here, and globally, will force them to stay alert to new ways of working.

Singapore’s low fertility rate means there aren’t enough new babies being born to replace the Boomers when they pass on. And that means they have to work longer. The concept of retirement takes on new meaning

Rising living and operating business costs result in  employment practises that disadvantage them, winding up in lower pay for older workers, with shorter contract periods and reduced benefits. These factors make it challenging to live in an expensive country like Singapore.

How are the Boomers coping with living longer in a changing world, and coping with the demands of fast-evolving technology, delayed retirement, disruptions and the the wave of digital natives taking over the workforce?

Featuring panellists, psychologist Mary George, musician Jeremy Monteiro, Caregiver Group Director of business development Letitia Zhang and zoo designer Bernard Harrison, the lively discussion spans a wide array of topics and underscores the fact that the Boomers can give more, but ask to be treated fairly!

Working Across Generations And Living To 120

Bernard Harrison and Jeremy Monteiro want to live to 120. It will give them time to build up local talent and help them understand the younger generations better.

Watch the video of their discussion below.

The full video can be viewed at the bottom of this article.

Dealing With Ageism

How do you deal with ageism, even if it’s well intended? From understanding geek speak and figuring out how the other generations are wired, there is always room to learn about co-existence in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-faceted society.

Boomers’ Boom Box

Lighter moments from the discussion.

Watch the full discussion of WED WEB CHAT — Boom Or Gloom For The Boomers below.

Watch our previous wedwebchats:

If you have a topic that is of interest, or have someone who would make a good panellist with a thought-provoking perspective on a subject, please email with your details and a short summary.

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  • 2025 greeting


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