Gilt-SHOCK Your Wrist

Casio G-SHOCK Golden DarumaWOULD you like to go back in time and slap on some classic gold on your wrist?

The cheap and cheerful Casio G-SHOCK range of watches have clung to its roots, dating back to 1983, and still looks the part of the fantastic plastic timekeeper that strays on occasion and needs to be reeled back to keep pace with time.

But, hey, this is about fun, not about anything too serious.

With these new Golden Daruma themed watches in faux gold, you’ll probably want to hide them ‘neath your cuff and shock/surprise someone by flashing it. Good test to see if someone likes you for you, your style or your possessions.

The Japanese Daruma is a Japanese traditional doll modelled after Bodhidharma, the founder of the Zen tradition of Buddhism. The dolls can be found in a rainbow of colours in Japan, but has been given a gilt makeover by artist BlackEyePatch, the Tokyo-based label known for graffiti art and apparel.

The Daruma design is also noticeable on the face when backlight is activated and on the the strap.

The watches are based on the DW-6900 and GM-6900 models and are meant to symbolise perseverance and good luck. At $199 and $319, respectively what do you have to lose?

These latest G-SHOCK models will be on sale online from 27 October.

See also  Open Your Drawers For The Watch Men


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