Preparing Leaders For A Competitive Future — WED WEB CHAT
NO MATTER how well trained you are as a leader, something like COVID-19 will knock you off your game.
So, you can bet that the next round of leadership discussions...
Bag of Tricks — Pull Out The Cheap Prado
WHAT'S the "IT" bag of the world?
We carry it home from the supermarket every other day and don’t notice their existence nor give a damn.
It’s the ubiquitous plastic bag;...
Changing With The Times – WED WEB CHAT
HOW will the heritage brands face up to the competition from new players on the scene?
This WED WEB CHAT — Heritage Brands Going Strong explores how the longstanding brands...
Let’s Make Christmas Great Again
SANTA isn’t kissing Mommy this year ‘cos of social distancing.
Yet the early reindeers brought a United Nations pop-up, like one of those old-fshioned greeting cards, to my attention...
Heritage Brands Going Strong — WED WEB CHAT
WITH all this talk about new industries eclipsing old ones, and compounded by the onset of COVID-19, there is a lot of uncertainty about the business landscape.
Young and old...
Tourism Without Travel — WED WEB CHAT
WE may be nowhere near ready to pack our bags and fly off on holiday anytime soon, but we can plan.
This WED WEB CHAT — Feeding The Travel Bug...
Beauty Comes Out
TODAY, I muse on universalism.
It was the ’80s and I remember my secondary school friend K and I took the MRT for a day out. Cos he was LGBTQ+,...
Feeding The Travel Bug — WED WEB CHAT
IT MUST have been an uncomfortable year for those with the wanderlust DNA.
But, it's also been a challenging year for those who brought travel and adventure to millions who,...
Robinsons Deserted And A Heritage Brand Destroyed
As the vultures circle for cheap pickings, Robinsons Department Store goes through its death throes.
You can’t blame COVID-19 entirely for the eventual fate of the department store chain after...
Blackpink…Fade To Black
I didn’t know what to make of Blackpink’s Light Up The Sky Netflix flick.
Being classically trained in music, I see eye-to-eye with the late Pavarotti, or Yo-Yo Ma… you...