How Many Eggs Do We Eat In Singapore?

WE TAKE them for granted as we crack open a few to whip up that omelet, or have them with our toast and coffee.

Eggs are part of our daily diet. But do we know where our eggs come from?

Singapore produces about one million eggs a day. Global egg production is estimated at 1.1 trillion annually.

At the recent Keep It Going: By Design discussion on New Materials In Our Lives,  Kenny Eng, President of the Kranji Countryside Association and Director of Gardenasia, spoke from the floor about consumption habits in Singapore and the important role of farmers in society.

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Goldbell Group

Taking Things For Granted

While local food production is a small fraction of consumption needs, the farms in Singapore still persevere. They do this despite the challenges of dealing with lower-priced imports and indifferent consumers who discard vegetables without a second thought about the effort required to produce them.

Audra Morrice, Kenny Eng, Keep It Going

Audra Morrice, MasterChef judge and author spoke about the attitude towards Asian cuisine and the need to appreciate the laborious effort required in creating authentic Peranakan food, for instance.

It’s about the lack of awareness, reckons the Sydney-based chef.

While farmers nurture and grow produce with the help of nature, Mahendran Reddy, Deputy Director, National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster, is applying technology to the hilt in producing 3D-printed food.

Print What You Eat

While 3D printing for food is still in its nascent stages, he sees it having useful applications such as in feeding the elderly.

At a more advanced stage, we could be printing our desired meals or popping pills, which might take the fun out of cooking and dining.


Keep It Going is organised by STORM.SG and panelists at the New Materials In Our LIves session hailed from various industries: Mahendran Reddy, Deputy Director, National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster; Audra Morrice, Chef and MasterChef Singapore presenter; ultramarathoner Abimanyu Shunmugam; and the CEO of BeLive live-streaming app Kenneth Tan.

The next event, Keep It Going: the Nth revolutioN takes place on 22 November. Email if you would like to attend the session on Machine Learning & Design.

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New Social Media Trends

At the recent the Nth revolutioN, the discussions on The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Of The Future covered things technological but also focused on the quality of life in light of the changes that are thrust upon society.

Read more articles from the Nth revolutioN at


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