WED WEB CHAT — Big Data 101

wwc 160222 Big Data 101

Big data is everywhere. What does it mean to you? The panellists at the WED WEB CHAT — Big Data 101 share their insights on the topic based on their experience and various perspectives:

Parviz Foroughian is a technologist who has just written a book on the topic entitled Data Unplugged;

Prof Li Yan of ESSEC Business School lectures on the topic and helps organisations implement their strategies;

Dr Kevin Fernando of StanleyBlack&Decker offers anecdotal evidence. 

The discussion with moderator, Kannan Chandran, the Publisher of covered the role of big data, its effectiveness and relevance to organisations. Who would best benefit from it, and why you should take it seriously?

Big Data In Bytes

Highlights from the discussion are featured in the video below.

Framing A Big Data Strategy

You’re all set to get your big data working for you. But what’s your strategy? What’s your end goal?

The panellists share their experiences and expertise from various perspectives.

3 Big Data Tips

The panellists offer some helpful suggestions to get you in the right frame of mind so that your expectations are set at an appropriate level when it comes to making the call on how big data will work for you (and not the other way around).

Watch the full discussion of WED WEB CHAT — Big Data 101: bite-size takeaways below.

Watch our previous wedwebchats:

If you have a topic that is of interest, or have someone who would make a good panellist with a thought-provoking perspective on a subject, please email with your details and a short summary.

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  • 2025 greeting


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