WED WEB CHAT – Finding Funding For Your Big Idea

WED WEB CHAT funding

HOW do you translate your brilliant idea into a workable business?

Often, a key ingredient in the formula is money, and it is the lack of this crucial item that results in many ventures either sinking into oblivion, never seeing the light of day, or stumbling because of insurmountable obstacles resulting from inadequate funds.

But what does it take to get investors keen on your idea that they will part with their cash?

Entrepreneurs Joan Ong of welovesupermom and Mike Hagbeck of StorHub talk about the challenges of starting up a business and how to deal with investors in this WED WEB CHAT.

Among the topics dealt with: How do you communicate your idea effectively?

How do you choose an investor?

How do you develop an effective strategy?

How do you prevent your idea being hijacked?

Watch the video for the highlights. The link to the full 45-minute discussion and links to previous WED WEB CHAT sessions can be found below. 

Click here to watch the full discussion:

Watch our previous wedwebchats:

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