Ransomware as a service

The Big Business Behind Ransomware

MALWARE as a Service or MaaS is a relatively new business model sweeping the cyber domain, where cybercriminals provide access to malicious software for a fee. Named after its Software...
wwc night scene 021220

Survival Of Singapore’s Night Scene

Get behind the scenes of operating a night club in Singapore to understand what's at stake. This WED WEB CHAT — Dark Is The Night Scene talks to Dennis Foo,a Singapore...
wwc 020621 covid biz

Why Start A Business During A Pandemic?

THE general reaction to uncertainty hanging heavy in the air would be to ring-fence one's resources and wait for the coast to clear. That would be the knee-jerk reaction by...

The Pandemic’s Effect On Youth

  WE have been living with the pandemic for more than a year. That's a long time to be in a state of disruption. People generally don't like change. Especially when...
One United People

Look Beyond Colour

AN extract from my essay, Look Beyond Colour, for One United People, a book on racial harmony. Arriving on many boats, for a new life together For a nation that gained...
Haioka Aru

Aru Reflects The Mood Of Tokyo

STUCK in his apartment in Tokyo due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, composer and producer Shintaro Haioka resorted to making music. Longing for a return to normalcy, he tapped into...

What Jobs Are Available For Fresh Graduates?

TRYING to find a job in a pandemic is like groping for the light switch in the dark. You think you know where it is, but it's still a bit...
Zoho BackToWork

Gearing For A Safe Return

IN ANTICIPATION of better — but more cautious — times, Zoho Corp is introducing BackToWork. This modular, customisable solution will handle the process of returning to normalcy in gradual steps. "BackToWork...

Automation Fixes Delivery Fails

YOUR package will arrive today between 8am and 2pm. That's a waste of half a day, you mutter to yourself, but what choice do you have? So, you wait all morning with no sign...
Rolls-Royce Spirit of ecstasy

Rolls-Royce In Ecstasy Over 2018 Results

THE spirit of ecstasy must be palpable at Goodwood and at BMW, in Munich. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars sold a record-breaking 4,107 cars in over 50 countries in 2018. This is...