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Peter Knipp, Benny Se Teo

The Future Of Dining — WED WEB CHAT

OUR favourite topic gets more flavourful with Peter Knipp and Benny Se Teo peppering their thoughts on the subject of the dining scene. Already struggling under the weight of onerous...
Flight to Nowhere

Flights Going Nowhere Fast

FROM the perspective of the global traveller, the idea of a flight to nowhere seems an aimless endeavour. Among the less bearable aspects of travel are immigration and the flight...

Consultants Need Empathy To Be Effective

IF THE Industrial Age was about ‘product’ and the Information Age was about ‘data’, this  Connected Age that we are in is about ‘meaning’.  Our future belongs to those people...

Tips For Safe And Smart Remote Work

WITH the world getting used to the fact that working from home is here to stay, the errors and omissions that so many businesses have made, will have to...
WED WEB CHAT, Harish Pillay, Kevin Reed

Fixing Your Digital Insecurity — WED WEB CHAT

AS THE world struggles to cope with the disruptive nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, one group of predators is raising their game. And you'd best be alert to their...
minimum wage

Minimum Wage — How Much…Or Little…Is Enough?

HOW much should be put into looking after those in need in society? The discussions around introducing a minimum wage policy have been going on for some years. While some countries...
Zoho BackToWork

Gearing For A Safe Return

IN ANTICIPATION of better — but more cautious — times, Zoho Corp is introducing BackToWork. This modular, customisable solution will handle the process of returning to normalcy in gradual steps. "BackToWork...
walled in distance

Need To Close The Gap

WHEN I was in school, one of my biggest challenges was my command of Mandarin. Especially when it came to secondary school. By this time, the Ministry of Education (MOE)...

Why A Minimum Wage Policy Should Only Minimally Raise Costs

TO understand whether a government policy is indeed beneficial, we must weigh its pros and cons, and these must be further supported by data and not based on ‘I...
Wed Web Chat Charity

More Sharing Of Information Needed To Help Charities

THE charity sector is filled with determined personalities who are intent on helping the less fortunate find their way out of poverty. In STORM-ASIA's WED WEB CHAT discussion, Can We...