Ricky Tay Vollkswagen

Brand Not Important In Sharing Economy

WHILE THERE is a lot of talk about electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles, not everybody wants to go down the electric vehicle route, says Ricky Tay, Managing Director, Volkswagen...

Charger Award — Winners’ Views

FOLLOWING the announcement of Charger Award winners at Thursday’s event, STORM.SG gets some comments from some of the award recipients. Above photo: Khoo Boo Hor, CEO of Sunningdale Tech, Kannan Chandran,...

Readying The Arrows

THE methods may change, but the end game is still the same; the need for Cupid to let loose that arrow straight for the heart. In the age of commercialism...

What Is A Minister’s Worth To You?

  THE LATE Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew equated ministers’ pay to the importance of an individual to Singapore. When ministerial pay hikes were discussed in parliament in 1985, Lee referred...

Can Singapore Football Be Saved?

FOR ALL football’s popularity, so much about it has changed for the negative. It has evolved from an innocent pastime into a devious monster grabbing for that golden cup of plenty. Many...

5 Ways GDPR Compliance Can Be Good Business

EU ORGANISATIONS have spent an enormous amount of time, money and resources to try and achieve GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance. However, it is clear that preparing to meet...

Mobility Megatrends – Threats And Gains

THE megatrends of the automotive world are heading towards being Connected, Autonomous, Shared and Electrified (C.A.S.E. for short). These megatrends are taking place slowly, since each of the components...
philipp von Hirschheydt, Continental, UX

Riding In Tomorrow’s Cars

AS car companies head towards a yet-to-be-determined autonomous future, the preparations are nevertheless charging forward at speed. Tomorrow’s traffic should be free-flowing with none of that start-stop movement that consumes...

Who Really Wants Automation?

In this time of disruption and enhanced automation, we are facing opportunities, and an astounding array of challenges. What will Artificial Intelligence and autonomous robotics do for, or to,...

What Now After Brexit And Donald Trump?

It has been a year of turbulence. From Brexit to Trump, the Western world has been  rocked by seemingly unexpected turns of events. Events that have defied what the...