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Are You Fit For Purpose?

ARE you fit for purpose? That’s a question you can ask yourself and anyone at any time and in any situation. Do you sometimes feel like a square peg in a...
BMW 116i

Small But Loaded Package

FOR the runt of the litter, the BMW 116i packs a sizable bite. This entry-level BMW will still set you back close to *$160K, for which you get a feature-rich...
philipp von Hirschheydt, Continental, UX

Riding In Tomorrow’s Cars

AS car companies head towards a yet-to-be-determined autonomous future, the preparations are nevertheless charging forward at speed. Tomorrow’s traffic should be free-flowing with none of that start-stop movement that consumes...
Hyundai IONIQ 6

Singapore-made Hyundai IONIQ 6 Launched

HYUNDAI launches its sporty-ish looking IONIQ 6. The first of the model to be made outside of South Korea, the units rolling on Singapore roads will be assembled at the...
Dick Lee & Omnitones

Dick Lee Brews More Fizzy Pop

SINGAPORE'S Peter Pan of pop music is in the process of reinventing himself. As a singer songwriter Dick Lee has thrown his entire being into a career that has spanned...

Life Before The Internet And Social Media

FOR the generations born with social media as a way of life, it must be hard to fathom how people found anything without a search engine like DuckDuckGo or...
wwc031121 breast cancer

The Big Battle With The Big C

Breast cancer delivers a shocking blow to your body, your emotional state and your wallet. The WED WEB CHAT — Breast Cancer: Beyond Survival had two cancer survivors on the...
Mt Fuji

Hakone Offers More Than Just A Getaway From The Bright Lights Of Tokyo

HAVING grown up in the city, the idea of a holiday in another city holds little appeal for me. Give me a spell away from the familiar, to bask in...