Religion Comes To Mohamed

ENTREPRENEUR, digital nomad and vlogger Mohamed Geraldez talks about life-changing incidents in his life that led him to ask that all important question: What is life about?

At STORM magazine’s Keep It Going: Behind The Scenes discussion on Effective Business In A Digital World, Mohamed spoke about violence and its impact on society. 

It led to Mohamed spending time in the Saharan desert learning Arabic and about Islam before returning to the US, with his desire to make lots of money undiminished.

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Mohamed Geraldez

STORM magazine organises a regular discussions on topical issues under the Keep It Going (KIG) series.  Email kig@storm.sgif you would like to recommend topics or speakers, or would like to attend upcoming events. Our partners: US Embassy Singapore, Halia Botanic Gardens Singapore, Vault@268.

See also  Change Is Coming, And It's About Time


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