IN PREVIOUS decades, parents pushed their children to become doctors, lawyers or engineers to secure good jobs and help the family’s standard of living.

That thinking hasn’t changed too much over time. Though new jobs were added to the list of desired vocations, including becoming a well-paid banker or comfortably placed civil servant.

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With the threat of artificial intelligence and what it’s doing to traditional jobs, the push today is towards a job related to or engaged in technology. From robotics to coding, fin tech to data analytics, the technology tag adds a dose of sexy to a job, attracting investors in search of new ideas and the next big thing.

Is technology the new medicine or law?

At the Keep It Going: By Design discussion on The Biz Behind The Sharing Economy, Associate Prof Ben Choi of the Nanyang Business School, NTU noted that students applying for technology courses were expected to perform as well as those applying for medicine or law.

What will their future be like in a changing global landscape?

Keep It Going, STORM

Are Our Students Too Comfortable?

Prof Choi reckons students may strive for good-paying jobs at the expense of pushing their boundaries and trying to innovate.

While this may still seem evident, he does see some changes taking place. They are willing to go beyond securing good grades that will help land plum jobs.

READ: Why Do Sharing Economy Businesses Fail?

With the uncertainty in the job market, it’s only good for those entering the job market to remain nimble and on the lookout for shifting trends in terms of employability.

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