Cashing In On The Cashless Society

THE ongoing pandemic has forcibly shoved the world into the digital era as lockdowns and restrictions slow the global economy considerably. As physical distancing and lack of travel meant some...
Wed Web Chat generic

Talk Is Cheap, Let’s Chat

THE good thing about COVID-19 is the push to digital. While there was a lot of hemming and hawing about moving in the digital direction, COVID-19 put an end to...

The Importance Of Honest Communication

ONE of the upsides of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the spotlight being suddenly trained on professions that would otherwise have been chugging along in the background: From nurses...
property sector business continuity

It’s Not Business As Usual

AS THE pandemic stretches on, we are getting a slightly clearer picture of the effects of shutdown on society. As countries start opening up their borders, there may be people...
helmet veggie

Total Defence Should Include Food Security

BEEFING up on food security is similar to building up more healthcare capacity and hospitals. With the population tree enlarging its canopy, this rapidly aging country needs more hospitals and...

3 Indie Music Styles To Enjoy

MUSIC fires up the creative juices and allows connections to forge across boundaries and barriers. We feature two tracks — Stand By Me by the international True Colors artistes...

The Long And Winding Road To Economic Recovery

WE ARE living in a period with no equivalent in the past, and already many rules of traditional economics have been broken. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken place in a...

The Digital Playground Is Open

CHILDREN are digital natives and probably relate better to their iPad and mobile phones than they do with humans. That means they should take to learning digitally with ease. And...

Cybersquatting – Fastest Fingers First

  IN THIS period of restriction, and potential job losses, many people might be thinking about what they are going to do next. Starting a mask making business might be top...

The New Travel Protocols

THE ITCH to travel must be driving some people crazy as they relive past glories by avidly posting pictures and videos on social media, and wondering when they'll be...