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Bring Back The Roar — WED WEB CHAT

IN A Herculean attempt to revive flagging fortunes, Singapore intends to pump life back into the football scene, and has set a goal for World Cup glory. What! Again? You...
WED WEB CHAT luxury 070721

Is Luxe In A State Of Flux?

IN most cases there will be a cheaper option available for a luxury product. But that hasn’t stopped the luxury sector from enjoying year-on-year growth. The tradition behind luxury brands...
Jerry Chua

Jerry Cooks The Hu’s Sound

JERRY Chua’s man cave occupies a bedroom in an unassuming corner HDB flat in Pasir Ris. From his mixing studio, which occupies the entire length of a wall, many songs...

Navigation Strategies For 2024

HOW will your year shape up? It’s going to be different for different people. But there are some things that we all have to contend with. As we take the first...
charger award trophy

The Charger Award Follows The Billionaires

WHICH listed companies are the billionaires placing their bets on? For the last six months the investments of a unique group of investors has been tracked by the spiking app. We...

Coping With En Bloc Fever

IT WOULD seem the en bloc fever has returned. Or certainly the hype around it. Whether you are for or against it, as a subsidiary proprietor (SP) or owner of a...

Make Room In Your Liquor Cabinet For Some Rum

IF we were to personify rum alongside its spirit cousins, each would have its own personality. To me, cognac, with its base in fermented fruit juice, might appear as a...

Credit Suisse Blows The Whistle On Property Trick

THE ROSY picture that is being painted by property developers may not be quite what it seems. A Credit Suisse report on the Singapore property sector highlighted the practice of...

The Golden Runway

EVERY season offers a reason to excel at what you do best. As more people enter their silver years, they bring with them a wealth of experience into the next...
walled in distance

Need To Close The Gap

WHEN I was in school, one of my biggest challenges was my command of Mandarin. Especially when it came to secondary school. By this time, the Ministry of Education (MOE)...