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rainbow lead

Beauty Comes Out

TODAY, I muse on universalism. It was the ’80s and I remember my secondary school friend K and I took the MRT for a day out. Cos he was LGBTQ+,...
KIG 2013 Richard Eu

Keeping The Knives Sheathed

HOW do family businesses Keep It Going? How can they avoid the dreaded 4Ds that lurk, ready to pounce? Keeping It All In The Family...? brought onstage members of family...
Peter Knipp, KF Seetoh, Ivy Singh-Lim, Konstantino Blokbergen

Feeding The Hunger Of The Masses – KIG 2013

A chef, an eater and a farmer walk into a hawker centre, and they don’t like what they see. They see conglomerate-owned sublet stalls draining profits from the independent...
Bio-X diffuser

Clear The Air

MASK wearing, hand washing, sanitising; the routines that have been cascaded into our consciousness due to COVID-19. They are here to stay for a while. And why not, since they...

Time To Look At Alternative Investments?

A couple of lecturers and practitioners who have written a book on alternative investments take to the panel for the upcoming WED WEB CHAT. What to invest in? That must...
2023 strategy

2023: What’s Your Strategy?

IN a conversation that looked optimistically towards the new year, the WED WEB CHAT — 2023: What’s Your Strategy? also had several clouds of uncertainty about what to expect. Talent...

New Emojis To Q For

WORDS failing you more than usual of late?  Get in touch with a lexicon, or it could be all those stickers and emojis you've been littering your messages with.  Hey, but...
job line

10 Job Skills You’ll Need

RISING retrenchments and an unemployment rate that is creeping upwards in Singapore must be making many nervous about what lies ahead. Manpower Minister Josephine Teo tried to explain this against...